Add user
It is possible to add users to your active workspace by clicking on the user page and pressing the add user button top right.
Remove user
User roles
| Administrator | Manager | QC Supervisor | QC Inspector | Planner | Viewer |
Creating inspections |
Edit inspections |
Delete inspections |
Release reports | When principal | When principal |
Publish reports | When principal | When principal |
Share reports |
Edit reports |
Delete reports |
Create organisations |
Edit organisations |
Delete organisations |
Create users |
Edit users |
Delete users |
Create products |
Edit products |
Delete products |
Create varieties |
Edit variaties |
Delete variaties |
Access to analytics |
Edit parameters |
Edit remarks |
Export reports |
Schedule reports |
| Administrator | Manager | QC Supervisor | QC Inspector | Planner | Viewer |
QC One inspector app |