Principal explained!
A common question from our users is: what and who is the principal? It is actually quite simple let us explain why, but before we dig any deeper, please read the below.
The principal question becomes irrelevant if reports are automatically published. So both parties, thus non-principal and principal receive their report at the same time.
During the creation of a new inspection, either online, on a mobile device or via the API, the shipper (supplier) and a consignee (receiver) are required fields. One of these parties will ultimately be the principal.. and the other party the non-principal.
In the illustration above, the shipper is marked as the principal and will have effect for the following scenario.
Auto-publishing is not engaged
Reports either have to be manually published, or,
Publication of the reports is set within a set period no longer than 48 hours
Once these business rules apply, the flow of report distribution is as follows after a report is released by the licensee:
The principal receives an e-mail notification to access the report online and to review the report.
Subsequently, the principal should either;
manually clicks on the 'publish' button in the report
If not clicked by the principal, the report will publish automatically within a maximum of 48 hour
After publication, the non-principal will receive an email notification to access the report.
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